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General Information
Check-in / Check out
  • Authorized parents or guardians will check Chess Campers in/out at the at the main door of Parish Hall.

  • Bring a picture ID for Check-In/Out every day. Please allow extra time for drop off as we work to get everyone through our process smoothly.

  • Any changes to authorized pick-ups must be submitted in writing.

  • Parents will not be permitted to enter the gym after drop-off.

  • Early drop-off begins at 7:30 AM. All Chess Camp Activities start at 9:00 AM.

  • Endgame Chess Academy and/or the Queen of Peace Catholic Academy Camp is not responsible for your child prior to this time.

  • Chess Campers who are not picked up by 4:00pm will go to Queen of Peace Aftercare and will be charged additional fees, if not previously reserved.

  • Aftercare ends at 6:00pm and if a Chess Camper is picked up after 6:00pm, a fee of $2 per minute will be charged by Queen of Peace Catholic Academy.

Dress and Things to Bring
  • All participants must wear socks and tennis shoes daily. Items will go in their cubby.

  • All participants should be dressed in athletic attire daily, with no buttons, snaps, or zippers.

  • Face masks are optional

  • Lunch/Snacks

  • Water Bottle

  • Sunscreen

  • Be sure all personal items are clearly labeled with camper’s name

  • Toys, games, and money are prohibited items.

  • All lunches/snacks/personal belongings should be clearly labeled with your child’s name.

  • Endgame Chess Academy and Queen of Peace Catholic Academy is not responsible for any lost, stolen or damaged items during camp.

  • Chess Campers are expected to bring a healthy snack from home each day.

  • Use of microwave and refrigerators is not available.

  • Full Day participants will need to bring a lunch and will eat snack 2 times a day.

  • Half Day participants will eat snack 1 time per day.

  • Participants will need a water bottle labeled with first and last name every day. Water refill stations are available throughout the facility. Disposable cups are provided for kids that forget to bring theirs.


  • The parent/guardian is required to hand-deliver all medications to staff on a daily basis. Please do not have it delivered by your child. Staff will only accept one daily dose of medication that is in the original container with the child’s name, name of the physician, and directions for administering on the printed label.

Illness and Injury
  • Please tell your children to inform staff if he/she starts to feel sick or experience illness while at camp. A parent/guardian will be contacted for pick-up.

Behavior Management
  • At the discretion of the Endgame Chess Academy and/or Queen of Peace Catholic Academy, a child may be asked to suspend or withdraw from camp for reasons regarding their behavior. It is up to staff to determine whether an offense is minor or serious. No refund will be issued for suspension or withdrawal from Chess Camp.

Terms of Agreement
Terms of Agreement

You give permission to have your child(ren) photographed. You understand the photos will be used to keep a journal of activities and shared for promotional purposes. Although your child’s photograph may be used for advertising, their identity will not be disclosed. You do not expect compensation and all photos are the property of the Endgame Chess Academy and/or Queen of Peace Catholic Academy.


You also give Endgame Chess Academy permission to share your information and your child's information with Queen of Peace Catholic Academy for purposes of coordinating this event only.


The Endgame Chess Academy and/or Queen of Peace Catholic Academy is not responsible for any lost or damaged personal property. All scheduled events and classes are subject to change. You understand that no fees will be refunded or transferred unless a child is unable to participate due to an accident and/or illness per physician orders.


In case of an emergency and if a family physician can’t be reached, you hereby authorize your child to be treated by Certified Emergency Personnel (i.e. EMT, First Responder, and/or Physician).

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